Designs for the Bruce Highway Tiaro Bypass officially awarded

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The design concept contract for the upcoming Bruce Highway Tiaro Bypass project has officially been awarded to Arup Australia and SMEC. The project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments, who together are investing $336 million into the upgrade; as part of the 15-year Bruce Highway Upgrade Program initially announced in 2013.

The new project is expected to create around 400 jobs during the construction phase and is anticipated to start mid-2023 with completion due by late 2025.

The Tiaro Bypass will include a 9 kilometre four-lane bypass, new bridges and upgrades to the existing highway. The plan is to divert traffic away from the existing highway through Tiaro, improving safety and reducing congestion in the town, as well as improving/eliminating flood related highway closures. It will also improve the reliability of travel times along the Bruce Highway, which is a major transport route connecting the north and south of Queensland.

The Queensland Government is committed to upgrading the Bruce Highway, which is a vital link for regional communities, freight, and tourism. This project is one of many underway to improve the safety and efficiency of this important road network.

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